About us

Foundation Bulgarian Modernist Architecture is an non-profit organization, focused on research of the Bulgarian architectural and art history in the Interwar period - 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. The team is of two art historians - Vasil Makarinov and Theodor Karakolev, working together since 2014.

The main goal of the Foundation is research and popularisation among wider audience of the Bulgarian arts and architecture of the Interwar period.

The English version of the webside is still not fully functional. If you have any questions, you can write to us via e-mail: bgmodernistarchitecture@gmail.com

You can also find us on facebook and Instagram
Vasil Makarinov
Vasil Makarinov is an art historian (BA in 2012 from New Bulgarian University, Sofia), who studies the Interwar architecture since 2013. He works in the National Polytechnics Musems in Sofia. He has published a number of articles and has also curated a number of exhibitions.

Vasil Makarinov passed away in September 2023.
Teodor Karakolev
Teodor Karakolev is an art historian (MA in 2023, BA in 2020), focused on studying the Interwar period. He is also interested in Eastern Orthodox religious art. He works as a journalist in his local town Plovdiv.